[Geany] autocomplete.conf

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Fri Oct 5 11:16:24 UTC 2007

On 04/10/07 20:26:57, Luis Olcese wrote:
> I recently installed geany 0.11. I tried to make an autocomplete 
> list,
> without luck.
> I followed the instructions in http://www.ponge.com/telechargements/
> geany/,
> and as there was no autocomplete.conf file, I created a new one in
> $HOME/.geany/, with just
> [Default]
> test=This is a test
> but I reload geany, type test plus TAB, and nothing happens. What I'm
> doing worong?

Configurable autocompletion was added after the 0.11 release - so 
either you need to wait for the 0.12 release (which shouldn't be long) 
or build from source either the pre-release or SVN versions.

(At the top of the linked document, it says:
Version: 	0.12)

Also, before you upgrade, you should delete the autocomplete.conf you 
created, otherwise the default one won't be created.


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