[Geany] colorschemes for Geany -- update

John Gabriele jmg3000 at xxxxx
Wed Jun 27 04:55:59 UTC 2007


I'd previously written a sorta clumsy tool for setting up Geany with a
dark colorscheme, and posted about it here in case it was of interest
to anyone. It involved copying some files around, and wasn't very
flexible. I've since updated/rewritten it. Improvements are:

* Now it's just one simple python script.

* It's interactive. It'll ask you before it clobbers your existing
~/.geany/filedefs/filetypes.foo files -- if you answer 'y', it *will*
of course clobber them.

* Aside from the dark colorscheme, it now comes with a lovely light
colorscheme. Nice low contrast, as usual B^). It's also flexible
enough to add more colorschemes too.

Dunno if it'll run on anything but a Gnuish OS (since it looks up
$HOME and writes files to $HOME/.geany/filedefs). Anyhow, here it is:


Enjoy. :)

Oh, also, seems like it would be useful if there was some easy way to
reload those filetypes.foo files. Currently, every time I change them,
I've got to quit and restart Geany to see the changes.

And, as long as I'm here, a feature request: when I select something
like "0xffddee" and open the color chooser, it's great that it starts
off showing me that color. But it really could use a palette where I
can save colors while I'm picking and choosing.
Also, when I hit ok, seems like it should go ahead and replace the
original string I selected with the new one, right?


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