[Geany] WishList (I can help with implementation if you point places)

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Sun Jun 11 21:04:29 UTC 2006

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 00:07:25 +0300, Yura Semashko <yurand2 at gmail.com>

> Hi, thanks for answer.
> Here is patch for Belarusian translation I speak before:
> ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/tw-light/belarusian.patch
Thanks a lot. It will be added soon.
> > > 2) Ability to jump to error line atfer compilation failed (using
> > > hotkey or by clicking on compiler output)
> >
> > As long as the file where the error occurred, it is already
> > possible by double clicking on the appropriate line. How do you
> > want to do this with a hotkey?
> You don't jump if error is not in current file. For example if your
> curent file foo.c, and you make error in foo.h you won't jump to
> error.
Ok, this is not yet possible. Be patient. I'll work on this.
> "Next error" hotkey (F4 in scite), but this is not important from my
> point of view.
Will be implemented ;-).


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