[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Provide utf-8 command line arguments on Windows (#1258)
Enrico Tröger
notifications at xxxxx
Tue Nov 8 23:28:09 UTC 2016
eht16 commented on this pull request.
> @@ -1032,4 +1032,31 @@ gchar *win32_get_user_config_dir(void)
return g_build_filename(g_get_user_config_dir(), "geany", NULL);
+void win32_make_argc_and_argv_in_utf8(gint *pargc, gchar ***pargv)
Maybe `win32_convert_argv_to_utf8()` would be a better name.
> +{
+ int num_arg;
+ LPWSTR *szarglist = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &num_arg);
+ char **utf8argv = g_new0(char *, num_arg + 1);
+ int i = num_arg;
+ while(i)
+ {
+ i--;
+ utf8argv[i] = g_utf16_to_utf8((gunichar2 *)szarglist[i], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ *pargc = num_arg;
+ *pargv = utf8argv;
+ LocalFree(szarglist);
+void win32_free_argv_made_in_utf8(gint argc, gchar **argv)
The code is quite generic and not Windows-specific, so it could go into src/utils.c as `utils_free_argv()`, similar to `utils_free_pointers()`.
> @@ -1231,6 +1230,9 @@ gint main_lib(gint argc, gchar **argv)
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+ win32_free_argv_made_in_utf8(argc, argv);
Maybe the call including the G_OS_WIN32 guard could go into a seperate function in src/libmain.c as it should be also in https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/master/src/libmain.c#L1090.
Strictly there are more places where it should be called, e.g. every place where we call `exit()` but this would require some refactoring before which is out of scope of this PR (and technically it is not very necessary as the memory in cleaned up anyway on `exit()`).
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