[Geany-Devel] [Test] Geany GTK3 Windows binaries for testing

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Fri Mar 25 09:55:07 UTC 2016

On 23/03/16 15:21, Jiří Techet wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> here are new Windows installers for testing.
>> They are built from GIT master and this time against GTK3.
>> There are two reasons for this:
>> - test Geany+GTK3 more on Windows
>> - there seems to be a bug in GTK2 on Windows with that very high
>> DPI/resolutions: on text input widgets (GTK ones and the Scintilla
>> widget) the mouse cursor gets very tiny.
>> This doesn't happen with GTK3.
>> Jiří showed me the bug and he knows more about the details.
> Hi Enrico,
> nice - the mouse problem is solved in Gtk 3 for me but I think not so many
> users have an HiDPI screen so it's not so important. And if there are some
> more important problems with Gtk 3, better to stick with Gtk 2 for now.
> Some problems I noticed with the Gtk 3 build:
> - any file dialog like File->Open, Project->open, File->Save as etc.
> crashes Geany on my machine

I noticed these crashes as well, *after* posting the message to the list :).
I'll check with gdb, maybe this will help. And I'll also check again the
bundle creation, maybe the script deletes any necessary files or, as
Thomas said, some post-install script were not run properly.

> - there's a bit strange shadow around the tooltips - see the attached
> screenshot

Didn't notice so far but will check.

> - the Adwaita theme is just ugly (on any platform). Is there any Windows

Yes. Thomas mentioned some alternatives, maybe we should include one of

I'll be on holidays for the next days, so further actions on my side
will take some time.


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