[Geany-Devel] pull request on GitHub, to add GeanyHighlightSelectedWords, into Geany Plugins

Matthew Brush mbrush at xxxxx
Sat May 30 02:29:58 UTC 2015

On 2015-05-29 06:21 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
> Le 29/05/2015 00:10, marius buzea a écrit :
>>    https://github.com/sblatnick/geany-plugins/blob/master/quick-search/src/quick-search.c.
>> […]
>> The quick-search.c calls Geany's search_find_text several times in one
>> processing, and each time a regex would be recompiled in search_find_text.
>> This is, I guess, a small cost when the regex is just a string.
> search_find_text() doesn't do regex search when the flags don't ask for
> it, it only uses SCI_FINDTEXT().
> =====
> BTW, @Steven: search_find_text() is *NOT* part of the Geany plugin API
> and never have been.  The fact you can use it is a issue of the way
> Geany API was exported, and it is fixed in the dev version (meaning it
> won't work anymore).  Not also that this never worked on Windows.
> [snip]

Mea culpa :)

Lessons learned:
   - Messing with build system flags can affect API (and ABI for that 
matter) without ever touching the code itself.
   - Never use any function that isn't explicitly listed in Geany's 
Doxygen documentation. Even if a function has no or incomplete 
documentation, if it shows up in the API reference docs (ie. has a /** 
or similar Doxyen comment), it's safe to use, otherwise it probably 
should be, or it's a bug.

Matthew Brush

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