[Geany-Devel] Please don't reply to digests

Frank Lanitz frank at xxxxx
Sun Dec 20 09:49:57 UTC 2015

Hi folks,

I know there are reasons to use the digest version of a mailing list.
But: Just replying is ending up in two bad things:

- Bad subject
  I have no clue what is Devel Digest Vol 1530, Issue 3 is referring to
- Broken thread
  I know, most webmailers don't support threading or something as e.g.
  Apple mail is neither. However, having a look onto e.g.
  http://lists.geany.org/pipermail/devel/2015-December/thread.html you
  can see what I'm referring to. So don't use threading end up in a
  bigger chance interested people cannot/will not read you comments


P.S. I vote for deactivate digest function at all on our mailing lists.

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