[Geany-Devel] Scintilla Lexers

Jiří Techet techet at xxxxx
Sun Dec 13 18:40:20 UTC 2015

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Devyn Collier Johnson <
devyncjohnson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Geany Dev Team:
> Has anyone performed benchmarks to see how significant the difference
> between current Geany and Geany with all of the Scintilla lexers added to
> Geany? I ask this because I would like Geany to have highlighting for
> Prolog (Scintilla has the "Visual Prolog" lexer). However, I understand
> that performance key characteristic of Geany.

Hi Devyn,

adding a new filetype and Scintilla lexer doesn't have any impact on
performance - it just makes the binary a bit larger but it's not a big
problem. Missing support for some languages basically means that nobody
really cared about adding them. Most probably the core Geany developers
don't use Prolog and it's always best when the person who adds support for
a new language knows the language at least a bit to be able to check if all
the config options are set correctly and if everything works as expected.

If you plan adding support for Prolog, you may have a look at the HACKING
file in Geany root directory for some hints. It's also helpful to check
some commit in Geany's git history which adds support for some other
language to see what needs to be changed.


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