[Geany-Devel] Geany performance

Pavel Roschin rpg89 at xxxxx
Sun Sep 29 08:47:25 UTC 2013

> It is. If I understand correctly the original reason for this is because 
> when you set the scintilla buffer (at least as it goes currently), it 
> pushes the cursor to the end of the inserted text, and so it needs to be 
> pushed back to the start by default (if no other position is stored or 
> specified). Please excuse if I'm mistaken here.

Geany with my patch behaves normally without unnecessary goto_pos. But today
I added more clear-looking patch that skips goto-ing if pos == current_pos.
Isn't? Try, it will take 2 minutes:

void sci_goto_pos(ScintillaObject *sci, gint pos, gboolean unfold)
	if (unfold) SSM(sci, SCI_ENSUREVISIBLE, (uptr_t) SSM(sci,
	SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, (uptr_t) pos, 0), 0); 
	/* Do not goto if we are already here */
	if(pos == sci_get_current_position(sci)) return;
	SSM(sci, SCI_GOTOPOS, (uptr_t) pos, 0);

Best regards,
Pavel Roschin aka RPG

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