[Geany-Devel] GeanyLiveDiff on github
phreakuencies at xxxxx
Tue Oct 15 21:12:44 UTC 2013
since cmake actually depends on pkg-config for this one, I guess you should
be able to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable (using export) to
point to the directory where the libgit2.pc file is located.
After that, do (at the top level directory of the sources):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Steven Blatnick <steve8track at yahoo.com>wrote:
> I'd love to try this out, but I don't know much about cmake, or building
> for that matter.
> I've installed libgit2 to /opt/ since I didn't see libgit2 in my repos.
> How do I get cmake to see it? It complains that I don't have it installed.
> Thanks!
> Steve
> On 10/15/2013 12:01 PM, v01d wrote:
> Hi,
> I've pushed my code on github so others can use it and try it out. I'm
> using it constantly and it feels really stable.
> https://github.com/v01d/geany-livediff
> The plugin shows changed/modifed/added colored markers on the margin of
> geany's editor windows. It currently works against the last saved version
> on disk of a regular file and also against files versioned in a git
> repository (using libgit). When a document is a regular file, the "old
> version" reference is reset whenever the file is reloaded (either manually
> or by geany). In the case of git versioned files, the diff is performed
> between the editor contents and the last revision of this file on the
> current branch. If the head reference changes (either by commiting or
> changing a branch), the plugin recognizes this and updates the markers
> accordingly (it uses a timer for this).
> The markers themselves are not pretty so if anyone wants to improve that
> it would be great.
> Matias
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