[Geany-Devel] Setting Windows working directory

Dimitar Zhekov dimitar.zhekov at xxxxx
Sat May 18 17:38:55 UTC 2013

On Sat, 18 May 2013 16:12:04 +0200
Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de> wrote:

> > or even more convenient but a little harder to implement would be
> > something like plugin_build_syspath(plugin, ...)

char *helpfile = g_build_filename(PLUGINHTMLDOCDIR, "scope.html", NULL);
char *gladefile = g_build_filename(PLUGINDATADIR, "scope.glade", NULL);

Why do we need an entirely plugin_build_syspath() function? Even for a
portable Geany, the above directories can be #define-d as functions.

What should plugin_build_syspath() return to cover both directories?
Something different, depending on whether the last "..." ends with
.glade or .html? Some common prefix?

Maybe we can standartize PLUGIN*DIR instead, including automatically
defining them under waf? Currently, the above two directories require
10 LOC of python, including a check for win32 - and I wasn't able to
guess the proper definitions without your help.

Also, a C function covers the access, but not the installation...

> Except this, I'd want to implement plugin_build_syspath() like
> described, just to make plugin authors happy after the plugins broke
> which used relative paths so far.

As a plugin developer, any interface that provides stable, platform
indepent plugin directory names will make me happy. Though if I have
to re-#define the PLUGIN*DIR-s as different plugin_build_syspath()
calls above a certain API version, while still depending on the python
code for installation, I will be, how to put it, moderately happy. :)

E-gards: Jimmy

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