[Geany-devel] Request: multithreaded tag generation?
Harold Aling
geany at xxxxx
Tue Jan 24 10:35:40 UTC 2012
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 22:13, Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Harold,
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 16:35, Harold Aling <geany at sait.nl> wrote:
>> Dear Geany Devs,
>> I recently switched from GeanyPRJ to Gproject. Since Gproject doesn't
>> support multiple open projects I have to switch between projects, but
>> it takes up to 4 minutes to close one project and open another. A
>> project consists of roughly 1000-2000 php-related files.
> How much of this time is spent by opening the project and how much by
> closing? What time did the same take with granyprj?
Just had a little time to check loading times with GeanyPRJ versus GProject.
Starting Geany with 1 file open in a Drupal project with GProject
enabled: 4 minutes and 1 second.
Starting Geany with the same file with GeanyPRJ enabled: 23 seconds.
Quitting Geany with an open Drupal project with GProject enabled:
about 4 minutes.
Quitting Geany with the same Drupal project with GeanyPRJ enabled:
almost instant.
The second time I opened the project with GProject, it only took 3
minutes, so it has some caching benefits.
I'm reverting to GeanyPRJ! Too bad it causes a lag while typing, but
that's way better than having to wait 4 minutes to start or quit
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