[Geany-devel] Request: multithreaded tag generation?

Harold Aling geany at xxxxx
Tue Jan 3 11:36:12 UTC 2012

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 12:10, Lex Trotman <elextr at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Harold Aling <geany at sait.nl> wrote:
>> Best whishes for all!!!
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 13:39, Harold Aling <geany at sait.nl> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 22:13, Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Harold,
>>>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 16:35, Harold Aling <geany at sait.nl> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Geany Devs,
>>>>> I recently switched from GeanyPRJ to Gproject. Since Gproject doesn't
>>>>> support multiple open projects I have to switch between projects, but
>>>>> it takes up to 4 minutes to close one project and open another. A
>>>>> project consists of roughly 1000-2000 php-related files.
>>>> How much of this time is spent by opening the project and how much by
>>>> closing?
>>> Opening Geany takes 4 minutes with 2 Drupal projects active. :(
>> To start 2012 I decided to update my Geany and Geany-plugins installs
>> to the latest dev, which caused my colorscheme[1] to display
>> distorted. (white background except for the active line)
> Hi Harold,
> The latest development version of Geany has some changes in the way
> colour schemes work which means that some older themes may no longer
> work as they had.  Unfortunately sometimes backward incompatible
> changes have to be made to continue moving forward.

I understand the reason, but what I don't understand is how to "port"
my old theme settings to the new system.

Copying filetypes.php to ~/.config/geany/filedefs and editing
[styling] does not work and I can't seem to find any documentation on
how to fix this. 'geany-dark-scheme' seems to be abandoned as the last
release was in March 2010...

Any pointers on how I can re-enable my scheme for .php files?

>> Restarting Geany takes more than 8 minutes so troubleshooting with my
>> current configuration is quite the pain in the behind.
> You can use the -c option to create a new configuration directory and
> debug your colour schemes there.  That way you can have no files and
> no tags during fixing but not lose your setup.

I already disabled project support, so I can restart Geany without
having to fetch coffee for all my collegues ;)

I'm a big advocate on using Geany as editor here at work, but even
Eclipse is faster and less resource-happy with tag generation. 4
minutes to open or close an application is not really acceptable for
many users, including myself.

>> I'm going to give up on Gproject and either try GeanyPRJ again or
>> ditch project support altogether. This simply doesn't work.
> The standard Geany project support doesn't provide some of the nice
> features of these plugins, but it also doesn't tag parse your whole
> directory tree each startup, so performance should be ok.

Tag generation is the only reason I (have to) use a project plugin.


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