[Geany-devel] geany-plugins depends on GIO

Frank Lanitz frank at xxxxx
Sat Nov 20 22:22:14 UTC 2010

On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 09:55:35 +1100
Lex Trotman <elextr at gmail.com> wrote:

>  if you really want to have
> > per-function checks at runtime, if conditions in the code.
> > I think this makes maintenance of such code much harder and so it
> > easier tends to break which makes users even more sad.
> >
> There are lots of requests by plugin devs for access to more of Geany,
> that changes the API/ABI version and that should make all other
> plugins fail until they are updated (but doesn't always, which is
> risky).

Well, this is not true in most cases as of two reasons:
1. We try to keep the A[P|B] for any minor release the smae
2. ABI/API changes are done with new releases so a recompilation is
reasonable. In most cases there don't need to be any code touched on

Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>
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