[Geany-devel] [geany-plugins] questions about the geany-plugins build system

Colomban Wendling lists.ban at xxxxx
Sat May 22 22:43:01 UTC 2010

Dominic Hopf a écrit :
> Am Samstag, den 22.05.2010, 17:17 +0200 schrieb Colomban Wendling:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm trying to move my plugin (geanygendoc) into geany-plugins, but I
>> have some problems porting the build system -- not used to it.
>> The thing is that I have data files to install. In my current external
>> build system, I install them into $(geany_datadir)/plugins/geanygendoc,
>> I think it is probably the good place. Yes, no?
> No. I think I remember we discussed this a few month ago. The final
> decision was, to have a separate directory (/usr/share/geany-plugins/),
> since geany-plugins is another project than geany itself. There already
> are some plugins saving their data there, so I'd recommend you to do it
> the same.
Hum, I know why I chosen $(geany_datadir)/plugins/$(plugin_name): I just
used the same directory hierarchy than in the configdir
(geany->app->configdir) with the datadir (geany->app->datadir).

But actually the docs of geany-plugins are installed in
$(prefix)/doc/geany-plugins and not $(prefix)/doc/geany/plugins, so your
remark completely makes sense. Ah, and I finally found the thread you
talked about (I think) which actually says you're right (and I knew it,
mae culpa):

Well, $prefix/share/geany-plugins/$pluginname is the answer then.
Perhaps it should be wrote explicitly in the plugin guidelines? (even
though I read them and still installed my doc in geany/plugins and not
geany-plugins... silly, ya)

But still need to fix the build system for it to set datadir to
$(prefix)/share/geany-plugins and not $(prefix)/share as it is now I think.

Anyway, thanks for pointing this out! :)


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