[Geany-devel] [geany-plugins] questions about the geany-plugins build system

Dominic Hopf dmaphy at xxxxx
Sat May 22 18:17:17 UTC 2010

Am Samstag, den 22.05.2010, 17:17 +0200 schrieb Colomban Wendling:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to move my plugin (geanygendoc) into geany-plugins, but I
> have some problems porting the build system -- not used to it.
> The thing is that I have data files to install. In my current external
> build system, I install them into $(geany_datadir)/plugins/geanygendoc,
> I think it is probably the good place. Yes, no?
No. I think I remember we discussed this a few month ago. The final
decision was, to have a separate directory (/usr/share/geany-plugins/),
since geany-plugins is another project than geany itself. There already
are some plugins saving their data there, so I'd recommend you to do it
the same.

> Anyway, in the geany-plugins build system, I don't see anything already
> in place to simplify data installation. And even $(datadir) points out
> of a Geany directory, actually $(prefix)/share, which makes me install
> my data in ${prefix}/share/geanygendoc, which is quite ugly IMO. Ah, and
> the second problem which prevents plugin-specific hack is the DATADIR
> defined in vars.build.mk that also points to $(prefix)/share.
> I'd think there should be a $(plugindatadir) variable that points to
> $(prefix)/share/$(plugin), probably defined by a vars.data.mk.
This confuses me a bit. I was sure plugin data should be installed
in /usr/share/geany-plugins/ (and maybe a subdirectory). Maybe I'm wrong
with this, so feel free to correct me.

> Then, what should I do?
> Ah, and is there a quick guide explaining how the build system works/how
> to add a plugin to it? I feel the .mk include stuff quite elegant but
> I've some problem to understand it right I think.
For adding your plugin to the geany-plugins project, you may like to
ping hyperair on IRC, he actually maintains such things. You don't have
to do it yourself, IIRC. :)


Dominic Hopf <dmaphy at googlemail.com>


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