[Geany-devel] Build, Compile, Execute [Built Setting] for various filenanetypes extension
Noli Sicad
nsicad at xxxxx
Tue Feb 23 10:14:41 UTC 2010
I think "execute" is broken in this nightly build 22 February. Python
programs are not running as well.
On 2/23/10, Noli Sicad <nsicad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lex,
> I download the geany nightly build windows and I can see that there is
> new built setting. And there is new menu item - Set Build Commands and
> dialog box. It is not useful to what I need -).
> The new geany is really nice looking in this build. It seems that it
> has gtk theme now.
> Anyway, I tried to implement what you suggested.
> In .filetype_extensions.conf
> glpk = *.mod
> In filetypes.glpk
> run_cmd=c:\glpsol -m "%f"
> It is not working.
> I tried this
> run_cmd=c:\\glpsol -m "%f"
> I tried this
> run_cmd=c:/glpsol -m "%f"
> I tried this as well.
> run_cmd=c://glpsol -m "%f"
> I got this error / result
> '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> Press any key to continue . . .
> It is not working!
> Vellam 22 Feb build
> Regards, Noli
> On 2/23/10, Lex Trotman <elextr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 23 February 2010 18:18, Noli Sicad <nsicad at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Lex,
>>> Thanks you for taking the time in answering my question.
>>> > I'm not sure that my point was clear enough.
>>> I think your point is clear enough.
>>> > Geany has a unified model of a file type. When a file is loaded, its
>>> type
>>> > is determined (or it is set by Document->Set Filetype ->...). This
>>> > type
>>> > controls the text highlighting and the filetype dependent build menu
>>> > commands.
>>> Probably if GLPK is created in the 50's the address the needs of the
>>> time, then there is no problem, it would a fit into the mold classic
>>> c/c++ compiler.
>>> compiler = glpsol --mps mylinearprogramingmodel.mps
>>> run_cmd = glpsol -mps mylinearprogrammingmodle.mps.
>>> BTW, the MPS is created by IBM in the 50. MPS is mathmatical
>>> programming system
>>> On line doc
>>> http://projects.gnome.org/gnumeric/doc/file-format-mps.shtml
>>> Then followed by the LP format
>>> LP format doc
>>> http://www.gurobi.com/html/doc/refman/node386.html
>>> > Scite (and apparently TextAdept) does not have a unified model, the
>>> commands
>>> > have to be specified separately by extension as your post showed. I
>>> > am
>>> not
>>> > saying one model is better than another, they are just different. In
>>> this
>>> > case Scite can be more flexible, but the Geany model has other
>>> > advantages
>>> > and AFAIK this is the first time this problem has occurred.
>>> As I mentioned, SciTE is the father of all scintilla base editors.
>>> Since the developer of TextAdept is author of SciTE cloned
>>> (SciTe-tools - scintilla lua dynamic lexer). He knows exactly why
>>> SciTE has 56 languages and scripts and does not fit into "unified
>>> model", the classic c compier, I suppose.
>> Actually the C compiler is the one that is most likely to require
>> different
>> handling of .h and .c files if your compiler produces pre-compiled
>> headers.
>> So the "traditional" is not the best example but I know what you mean :-)
>>> > I am about to start more changes to the Geany build system that will
>>> further
>>> > improve its flexibility. But providing separate commands for
>>> > different
>>> > extensions within a single filetype is not in the plan because as I
>>> > said,
>>> > its never been needed before. Without that capability Glpk can still
>>> > be
>>> > supported in two ways:
>>> > 1. each of the extensions is a separate filetype, but using the same
>>> > highlighting (BTW what lexer do you use with Scite because AFAIK it
>>> doesn't
>>> > support GLPK) this is supported now in SVN with custom filetypes
>>> The problem is we will have 5 (mps, lp(cplex), fps(freemps),
>>> mod(mathprog), glp(glpk)) separates filetypes. What name should we use
>>> ? Probably, glpk_mps, glpk_lp, glpk_fmps, glpk_mathprog, and glpk_glp,
>>> it might work but messy. Aside from this, glpsol has ability to
>>> translate/convert one format to another. Most of the solvers use mps
>>> format. GLPK is one of the best in the area and this is the reason why
>>> I am promoting GLPK to the Geany users.
>> I know its messy but it is available NOW. All other options require
>> development and will therefore take time.
>>> In GUSEK IDE, we use, c, sql and asm lexers to create the
>>> glmp.properties.
>>> In TextAdept, I adopted c lexer and modified it to create glpk.lua
>>> lexer. TextAdept use the lua dynamic lexer loading.
>> Oh, Ok you have your own lexer, which you would need to add to Geany
>> anyway.
>>> > 2. a plugin is added which modifies the command for GLPK files
>>> > depending
>>> on
>>> > the extension, this requires the re-make to be available (and the
>>> > plugin
>>> to
>>> > be written) but might be considered to be cleaner
>>> I think this is the best option.
>>> > To use method 1 all you need to do is to copy your current filetypes
>>> > file
>>> so
>>> > you have one per extension, set the compile (or whatever) command in
>>> > the
>>> > [build-menu] section for each, and edit filetype_extensions.conf to
>>> > reference them.
>>> I think this is the hack (method 1) and probably use just use - glpk1,
>>> glpk2, glpk3, glpk4, glpk5
>>> I hope Geany developers that address this issue.
>>> Right now, windows users can use GUSEK IDE and TextAdept, for Mac OS X
>>> users TextAdept and for linux users TextAdept and classic editors.
>> As I said option 1 its a way of using Geany until alternative means is
>> supported, or use these alternatives instead.
>> Cheers
>> Lex
>>> Lex, thanks again.
>>> Regards, Noli
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