[Geany-devel] Build system branch 2.0
Dominic Hopf
dmaphy at xxxxx
Sat Feb 6 12:47:33 UTC 2010
Am Samstag, den 06.02.2010, 21:21 +1100 schrieb Lex Trotman:
> Hi All,
> I have created a branch for further development of the build system called bs2.
> I have added the current state of the design spec to the doc directory
> and a temporary Python prototype implementation of the configure
> dialog in scripts (since I know how much you all hate reading GUI
> descriptions). It is intended to delete this before merge but it will
> be useful to get ideas on making it usable, for example which fields
> should be visible normally and which only in advanced mode.
> @Nick as the padding guru you might have some suggestions, in my
> opinion applying padding to rows containing buttons or combo boxes
> makes a disproportionate increase in size, so for now I've taken it
> off, see what you think.
> Running the script (python build_dialog_prototype.py) produces a
> window with two buttons, one produces the dialog as it will be when no
> project is open and one as it will be when a project is open. Clearly
> the dialog has no code or data behind it, but the "advanced" and "show
> all" buttons work. Apply, cancel and ok all close the dialog.
> Please be warned, if you havn't read the spec (which is the only
> documentation until the manual is updated) that this looks complex
> when you first see it in advanced mode. But the dialog does no more
> than bring together settings that already exist in various hidden
> places in Geany.
> Cheers
> Lex
Wouldn't it have had to be easier to design that with glade instead of
writing python scripts? - Or alternative, a pen and paper? ;)
When seeing this from a user point of view there is very much
information to enter. A bit "overload" on the screen - in special the
advanced mode. Yes, you warned me. ;)
As you said, this is a prototype which maybe needs more work. - Also
from the user point of view and in GUI design. Just a suggestion: You
could work with the GUI element from GTK which allows to extend the
dialog via clicking on the arrow (as in the Find or Replace dialog in
Geany) :)
Dominic Hopf <dmaphy at googlemail.com>
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