[Geany-devel] Localization of plugin names in plugin manager

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Thu Sep 10 15:15:09 UTC 2009

On Sun, 6 Sep 2009 15:49:03 +0200
Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de> wrote:

> >Just to say, I discovered this issue when debugging modified addons
> >plugin. I wondered why it disappeared from the list after I activated
> >and deactivated it. After an hour of thinking and debugging I noticed
> >that its name was localized and it moved to the end of plugin list :-)
> Ok, in the case that the plugin name is that different in the
> translation, it might be weird. Not sure whether this should be
> considered a bug in the translation or in Geany (as we are talking
> about his).
> The easiest thing would be to argument that the plugin name shouldn't
> be translated as it is a name. On the hand, some plugin names are more
> like descriptions than real, plain names and so translating them makes
> sense. But this is just the easy was, not necessarily the correct
> one :).

Well, then the description also would not be translated. It would be
best to translate name and description, but I'm not happy that just by
showing the plugin manager every translated string then stays in memory
until Geany is quit, for every single plugin on the system. Some
plugins like geanylua have a lot of translated strings (probably too

Anyway, this may be the best overall solution. Perhaps I'm worrying
about memory use too much, I don't have any figures on the actual
number of KiB used.


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