[Geany-devel] On coding style

Thomas Martitz thomas.martitz at xxxxx
Sun Sep 6 22:43:02 UTC 2009

Thomas Martitz schrieb:
> Lex Trotman schrieb:
>> Several of the things you changed I had thought I had right, so maybe
>> hacking.html needs to be more explicit rather than just "like the rest
>> of the code".
> This is what I had an argument with Enrico too recently. HACKING is 
> nowhere near accurate, as it's poorly describing what style Enrico is 
> expecting (Nick apparently not so, since he accepted my patch). In 
> addition, seem Enrico and Nick run with extra CFLAGS which reveal 
> extra warnings (some of which warn for perfectly conform C code, but 
> well ;) ) which are not documented.
> "like the rest of the code" is a very poor and inaccurate statement. 
> Besides, that this is basically a 
> <http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=a> matter 
> <http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=matter> of 
> <http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=of> course 
> <http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=course> 

ARG, ctrl+enter sucks :p

So, to finish of my mail:
"like the rest of the code" is a poor and inaccurate statement. Besides, 
that this is basically true for any project I've seen, it doesn't help 
you identifying tiny stuff such as trying to avoid shadow declarations 
or indentation when breaking long lines and stuff. HACKING should be as 
explicit as possible, to avoid additional work for *both*, the 
contributors and the reviewers.

Best regards.

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