[Geany-devel] On coding style

Thomas Martitz thomas.martitz at xxxxx
Sun Sep 6 22:40:09 UTC 2009

Lex Trotman schrieb:
> Several of the things you changed I had thought I had right, so maybe
> hacking.html needs to be more explicit rather than just "like the rest
> of the code".

This is what I had an argument with Enrico too recently. HACKING is 
nowhere near accurate, as it's poorly describing what style Enrico is 
expecting (Nick apparently not so, since he accepted my patch). In 
addition, seem Enrico and Nick run with extra CFLAGS which reveal extra 
warnings (some of which warn for perfectly conform C code, but well ;) ) 
which are not documented.

"like the rest of the code" is a very poor and inaccurate statement. 
Besides, that this is basically a 
<http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=a> matter 
<http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=matter> of 
<http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=12RDU.&search=of> course 

Enrico said he'd update HACKING, but that didn't happen yet if I see 
this correctly (haven't checked SVN log since a day or too).
> Then I could have saved you  some work :-)
> At least the things not addressed by the script should be listed, eg
> when and if {} is used around single if clauses etc.
> Cheers
> Lex
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