[Geany-devel] geany-plugins release GTK version / build fixes / NEWS

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Sun Sep 6 12:50:35 UTC 2009

On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 14:05:45 +0200, Frank wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 12:12:42 +0100
>Nick Treleaven <nick.treleaven at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Just wondering about some things for plugins in the geany-plugins
>> release. (This doesn't apply for any plugins in SVN that aren't part
>> of the release).
>> Should there be a common minimum version for GTK/GLib? I think this
>> might be a good idea.
>I agree. Should be the same as Geany's in my opinion. 

Yes, please.

>> Also for small obvious fixes to plugins (e.g. to get them to build),
>> should we just commit them ourselves rather than going through the
>> maintainer (that might be too busy to respond for a while)?
>Its hard to say where to stop as some fixes will need some more than
>changing two line 

I'm a bit puzzled about this.
Basically I think it should be ok to patch some trivial things like the
currently broken build of the codenav plugin which uses too new GLib
functions (which is in this case very easy to fix, as mentioned in
another thread on this list).
OTOH, I also like the idea of independent modules which are completely
in the responsibility of the maintainer. But of course, this doesn't
make much sense when the maintainers disappear.
So, I'm not really clear about this. Maybe it is indeed better to fix
rather easy or otherwise important things (like GTK 2.8 compatibility
if we want to go for it).

>> Another thing is whether we have a common NEWS file for the release.
>> I think we should; it could be updated by each plugin author with any
>> notable changes. Chow or someone else/me could have the right to
>> edit/remove anything in it if it's too big or unclear.

Yes, yes, yes.
We should also have a README in the geany-plugins root directory. It
should contain some _basic_ information about the included
plugins, build instructions (maybe it could reference to README.waf
and something similar for autotools should be written) and contact
IIRC I already suggested this to Chow when we created the geany-plugins
combined release infrastructure but maybe I missed it.


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