[Geany-devel] ANN: Configurable build beta in trunk

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Tue Aug 25 13:28:22 UTC 2009

2009/8/25 Thomas Martitz <thomas.martitz at student.htw-berlin.de>:
> I was wondering if the code in build_init() is used (or only parts of it).

AFAICT its all used

> When I had my mess with aborting the build, I added the menu item to
> build_init(), but it didn't work.

How did you manage to add it :-) ?

There is nowhere in build_init that creates the menu, it just
initialises the default commands and builds the toolbar items.
The menu is created by create_build_menu on the first
build_menu_update call as per previous design.  I'm not sure why it
was done that way, I suspect an order of creation issue where one of
the other *_inits calls build_menu_update before build_init is run.

 I needed to add it to
> build_menu_item_spec.

Yes thats where you would add any new "compiled in" menu items since
that is the specification of the menu.  It lists the "known" build
commands and has entries that expand to any extra menu items that are
configured by the hidden preferences.


> Best regards.
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