How to use Geany?
Download and install the following: geany-1.28_setup.ehe fpc-3.0.0.i386-win32.cross.x86_64-win64.ehe
and I tried to compile
program untitled;
uses crt; var i: byte;
writeln ( 'Hello, World!'); END.
In the tab following status messages: 12:59:30: It Geany 1.28. 12:59:30: A new file "without a name". 13:00:00: The file is closed without a name. 13:00:00: A new file "without imeni.pas". 13:00:22: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved. 13:00:52: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved. 13:00:52: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name) 13:01:06: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
I tried on three different PCs running Windows 7 x64. Everywhere one and the same.
With Geany 1.28 no paths to any files may contain non-ASCII characters. #1095 is an attempt to fix it, but I don't know if it will make it into 1.29 in two days time.
Thanks for the answer!
Moved the file, he is now here C: \ 111 \ 1.pas
but still it does not work ...
13:35:06: It Geany 1.28. 13:35:06: Unable to load one or more files of the session. 13:35:06: File C: \ 111 \ 1.pas open (1). 13:35:27: C File: \ 111 \ 1.pas saved. 13:35:27: The process has failed (Can not find the file specified)
Or should I wait for the next version of IDE?
Do you have the `fpc` in your `PATH`? If not, you'll need to alter Geany's build command (*Tools → Set Build Commands* when looking at a Pascal file) to point to the full location of the `fpc` executable. Finally, you probably know it but you need to compile the program before running it, so if you were trying to *Execute* before *Build*ing, it won't work as the executable won't exist yet.
Thanks for the answer!
in the "Tools" I did not find such an item, in the "build" found. In the command to Pascal in the item "compile" in the working directory specified "C: \ FPC \ 3.0.0 \ bin \ i386-win32 ".
Here is the log.
21:18:52: It Geany 1.28. 21:18:53: File C: \ 111 \ 1.pas open (1). 21:19:16: The configuration files are loaded again. 21:20:37: A new file "C: \ Users \ Alex \ AppData \ Roaming \ geany \ snippets.conf". 21:21:09: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ AppData \ Roaming \ geany \ snippets.conf closed. 21:21:58: The process has failed (Can not find the file specified) 21:25:55: The process has failed (Can not find the file specified)
Closed #1299.
Closing due to age, now old Geany version, and such a core feature people use often.
@mrkaban feel free to re-open if you still haven't solved this.