How to use Geany?

Download and install the following:

and I tried to compile

program untitled;

uses crt;
var i: byte;


writeln ( 'Hello, World!');

In the tab following status messages:
12:59:30: It Geany 1.28.
12:59:30: A new file "without a name".
13:00:00: The file is closed without a name.
13:00:00: A new file "without imeni.pas".
13:00:22: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
13:01:06: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)

I tried on three different PCs running Windows 7 x64. Everywhere one and the same.

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