When trying out symbolic links on windows i noticed links breakage when geany saves files accessed through such a link.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Prepare link: ```powershell $myDesktop = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Desktop" New-Item -path "$myDesktop\target.txt" New-Item -path "$myDesktop\symbolic.txt" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value "$myDesktop\target.txt" ```
Note: Last statement needs admin privileges (at least until creators update or adapting a policy setting).
2. Use geany to edit ``$myDesktop\symbolic.txt`` and save
Expected behaviour: Content of ``$myDesktop\target.txt`` reflecting latest edit while ``$myDesktop\symbolic.txt`` still pointing to that file.
Observed behavior: ``$myDesktop\target.txt`` is never touched by the edit. ``$myDesktop\symbolic.txt`` is now a regular file.
This was observed using version 1.30.1