When trying out symbolic links on windows i noticed links breakage when geany saves files accessed through such a link.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Prepare link:
$myDesktop = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Desktop"
New-Item -path "$myDesktop\target.txt"
New-Item -path "$myDesktop\symbolic.txt" -ItemType SymbolicLink  -Value "$myDesktop\target.txt"

Last statement needs admin privileges (at least until creators update or adapting a policy setting).

  1. Use geany to edit $myDesktop\symbolic.txt and save

Expected behaviour:
Content of $myDesktop\target.txt reflecting latest edit while $myDesktop\symbolic.txt still pointing to that file.

Observed behavior:
$myDesktop\target.txt is never touched by the edit. $myDesktop\symbolic.txt is now a regular file.

This was observed using version 1.30.1

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