I have been attempting to compile geany from git and although it appears to build successfully, when I try to run it, the following error is displayed:
> (geany:29825): Geany-ERROR **: 16:14:48.297: Cannot create user-interface: Failed to open file “geany.glade”: No such file or directory
Trace/breakpoint trap
I have configured the build with './autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/geany' and when I type in the following:
> /opt/geany/bin/geany --print-prefix
the following is displayed:
> /opt/geany
Due to the error, I tried to install from the repository for my linux distribution (Debian testing/buster) on a 64 bit machine and even their version has the same problem.
I can change to the /opt/geany/share/geany directory and then run the program and it will start up (as the glade file is in that directory) but then it will not load the plugins that I have also built from git.
I note that in the Makefile that GEANY_DATA_DIR is being set to /opt/geany/share/geany which seems to be correct but it does not seem to be getting taken into account in the final executable or libraries.
Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.
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Are there any plans to add support of lsp to Geany?
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In the Documentation generator menu the manual links to ```/usr/share/doc/geany-plugins/geanygendoc/html/manual.html``` and not ```/usr/share/doc/geany-plugin-gendoc/manual.html```.
This is in Geany 1.33-1 on Debian 10 (buster) in XFCE 4.12.5.
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I love Geany and use it all the time, but I was a little disappointed to find that CSS extension languages - such as Sass, SCSS and Less - do not have syntax highlighting
The userbase for these is probably small enough that new syntax highlighting rules specific to these languages would not be worthwhile, but to me it would make sense for the '.less' and '.scss' filename extensions to be recognised as CSS files (the same as '.css'); these languages are supersets of vanilla CSS (so the new features they add would still not receive highlighting, but most of the usual syntax highlighting one might expect would work)
Sass syntax is slightly different (uses indentation rather than braces a-la-Python) but still not a million miles from normal CSS.
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In ~/.config/geany/filetype_extensions.conf this could be added by default:
In ~/.config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.css this could be added by default:
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TOML is a fairly strictly defined configuration file syntax, used by various projects, supported by plenty of languages and already supported by some editors. I'm not familar with geany plugin dev (and lacking the time anyway) but maybe someone's interested in creating a syntax highlighting ruleset, similar to the INI config format.
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While using Geany in Gnome I found that sometimes code navigations was slow,
changing to a new line o making selections were reflected after aprox 1 second
on the screen.
Just opening a file and navigating doesn't trigger this problem, after editing,
saving or selecting some text the issue shows up.
I have other setup of Stretch with MATE desktop and the problem isn't there.
I also compiled a clone of the geany github repo and I was able to reproduce the
problem (in Gnome).
(I filed a bug report to the debian package)
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This is running under Sway, testing with Wayland native apps only (no xwayland).
When I first open a file in Geany, I can copy out of Geany and paste into another program by selecting and then middle clicking in the usual way. I can do that multiple times with different selections. If I then select something ("foo" for example) in the other program, I can middle click paste it into Geany. I can do this with multiple selections as well. All OK so far.
At this point if I select something in Geany ("bar" for example), I can no longer middle click paste it outside of Geany. I just get "foo" instead, even if I make sure to unselect "foo" in the other app before selecting "bar" in Geany. Middle click copy/paste within Geany works fine still. It also works fine within and between non-Geany applications. It is as if Geany is now using a different primary buffer than everything else.
Opening a new file in Geany (or closing and reopening an existing one) gets things working again temporarily.
I've tested this with Geany 1.36 and also the latest Master branch. I also tried applying the patch from here, but saw no difference: https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/2127/
I have mainly been using kitty (0.18.3) and firefox (78.3.0 esr) as the other applications. Sway is version 1.5-3. This is on Debian Bullseye. I also briefly tried to check if SciTe exhibits the same behavior, but middle click copy paste did not work at all there (at least to other programs, not sure if it worked within SciTe).
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I'm a Twitch streamer and quite often on my streams I need to zoom in the text to a really large size for a better dramatic effect. But unfortunately Scintilla imposes a very strict limitation on zoom factor (from -10 to 20): https://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#SCI_ZOOMIN
And I don't really know why! If I remove the `SCI_ZOOMIN` limitation condition completely in [Scintilla itself](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/77630564ad5446df89e9973f74bd378… it works just fine and does not degrade the performance or/and the stability of Geany.

Would it be a good idea to remove the `SCI_ZOOMIN` limit completely (or at least dramatically increase it) and put that change into the `scintilla_changes.patch`? If yes, I could make a PR for that myself.
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