I'm a Twitch streamer and quite often on my streams I need to zoom in the text to a really large size for a better dramatic effect. But unfortunately Scintilla imposes a very strict limitation on zoom factor (from -10 to 20): https://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#SCI_ZOOMIN
And I don't really know why! If I remove the `SCI_ZOOMIN` limitation condition completely in [Scintilla itself](https://github.com/geany/geany/blob/77630564ad5446df89e9973f74bd378a84fc817e...) it works just fine and does not degrade the performance or/and the stability of Geany.

Would it be a good idea to remove the `SCI_ZOOMIN` limit completely (or at least dramatically increase it) and put that change into the `scintilla_changes.patch`? If yes, I could make a PR for that myself.
Since Scintilla provides an unlimited `SCI_SETZOOM()` function, probably adding a toolbar item to set the zoom would be better, then you can go to the size you want in one step, and be sure to always come back to the same size next video.
@elextr thank you very much for the response! It is indeed a way better idea! I was planning to work on this myself but then realized that using Geany for my use case is a bit of an overkill so I'm switching to SciTE and won't work on this issue in the near future.
Is it needed for anybody else? Should I close it?
Well, maybe somebody from the emoji brigade might do it.
@elextr The Scintilla documentation says, "These messages let you set and get the zoom factor directly. There is no limit set on the factors you can set, so limiting yourself to -10 to +20 to match the incremental zoom functions is a good idea."
Since Geany upgraded Scintilla versions, the old limit probably no longer applies.
The limit is set in _Scintilla_ and hasn't changed according to its documentation.
@elextr Sorry, I misunderstood the relevance of that section.
Neil increased the hard-coded Scintilla zoom level to 60 in
which I believe should be sufficient for everyone. Once we update to new Scintilla (or backport the patch), we should be able to close this bug report.
Closed #2750 as completed via #4168.