@codebrainz: I would prefer to team up with someone, helping with the gtk3 porting. All the warnings on compiling for gtk3 are quite annoying. I ported scope some months ago and already got new gtk3 deprecation warnings. Also, this PR looks pretty complete - what is missing?
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@LarsGit223 eventually... I don't use or like GTK+3 so it hasn't been a priority.
If you want to work on it, I'd be more than happy to add you as a contributor on my GP fork so you can push to it.
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other editor open it and it is display complete.
the filepath:~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Preferences
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With "Visueller Zeilenumbruch" (Visual Linebreak/LineWrap/Wordwrap?) activated, sometimes lines and line numbers are displayed twice or not at all.
How to do it with double lines:
A) Create a document with 6 lines:
1: some content
2: blank
3: some other content
4: blank
5: some other content
6: blank
B) type more content in line 1 until the visual linebreak kicks in. then remove some content from line one until the text fits again into line 1. now line 3 is displayed twice. no navigate through the lines and watch line 3 being corrected and line 5 being displayed twice.
Sorry, I do not have a howto for missing lines. Will provide it once I have it.
Version is 1.30.1
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Ok, I could reproduce it at least for one case:
The list in ```$RELEASE_PLUGIN_LIST``` is empty in case ```$SOURCESDIR``` (set to ```${HOME}"/.tmp/geany-plugins/"``` at the beginning of the script) exists but is an empty directory.
If it is not empty and includes a geany-plugins repository, then everything is fine. If it does not exist then it's created and the geany-plugins repository is cloned into it and then also everything works fine.
@dmaphy would need to tell if that was maybe what happened in his case.
If yes, the issue could be rated as an installation problem or unexpected environment and could therefore be closed as invalid. Or the check of ```$SOURCESDIR``` would need to be improved to check if it really includes a geany-plugins repository. But is it worth the hassle?
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The lines just moved: the old line 305 is now at 308 (see the original at https://github.com/geany/plugins.geany.org/blob/f11c354f1302ab440793cafa3bd…).
The problem probably still exists under certain circumstances:
enrico@endor:~$ [ -eq 0 ]
bash: [: -eq: unary operator expected
That is, `${header_added[${plugin}]}` seems to be empty in @dmaphy's case, for whatever reasons.
If I understand the code correctly, `$header_added` is filled from `$RELEASE_PLUGIN_LIST` but the access to $header_added happens from the list in `$CONTENTDIR}${tag}`.
I guess one needs to debug the contents of these lists and to determine whether the above can happen again or not.
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