Currently there are 30+ "programming languages", 20+ "scripting languages", 9 "markup languages" and some "Misc" languages.
The first two categories are so big the menu (Document->Set Filetype->) won't fit on screen (at least with a laptop).
Especially the first should be broken up. This is a call for suggestions of how that should be done.
Otherwise I will make a pull request breaking them up in a reasonable but somewhat arbitary way, rough popularity measure and degree of support. :grin:
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Hi !
on the attached (sorry, I cannot attach PHP file) PHP file, at line 1583,
I have the following code (started before by /*, and finishing after by */) :
` * V...|.......................Jour courant..................................>|<...................................Lendemain.................................................>|`
When I write the "<" character, on this line 1583, Geany closes.
In /var/log/syslog there is :
Mar 30 12:58:29 PRINCIPAL kernel: [ 2151.269486] geany[12005]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f1b1a5cf9de sp 00007ffe7d451aa8 error 4 in[7f1b1a531000+1bf000]
Mar 30 13:05:45 PRINCIPAL kernel: [ 2586.680237] geany[13373]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fd0b0b929de sp 00007fffe225d0b8 error 4 in[7fd0b0af4000+1bf000]
Mar 30 13:08:16 PRINCIPAL kernel: [ 2737.718143] geany[13586]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fd4ff5ae9de sp 00007ffcc369f738 error 4 in[7fd4ff510000+1bf000]
and more ...
On this line 1583, " * V...|.......................Jour courant.....".
I removed the first "<", before the words "Jour courant", just after the first "|" character, and I cannot write it back, because Geany closes each time I trie.
Original was : "V...|**<**.......................Jour courant....."."
If I clic before the second "<" (do not look for the first one, it does not exist anymore), before the word "Lendemain", nothing happen.
If I clic after the second "<" (do not look for the first one, it does not exist anymore), Geany closes.
If I clic after the last ">" Geany does not close.
Let me know if you want my PHP file.
Thank you for looking about it ...
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Would it be possible to have an option either in the preferences or in the build menu to execute the lint command periodically ?
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template <typename T> using Uptr = std::unique_ptr<T>;
Does not recognise Uptr as a typename;
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I'm a keyboard user with carpal tunnel. When I search for a string, half the time it's going to be above the cursor in the file. Unfortunately, the default option in the Question dialog is "Cancel":

I think a more useful default would be to Find again. If I want to Cancel, I'll press Esc. If I want to find again, I have to press two keystrokes (Alt+F, or Right Arrow then Enter). I know one extra keystroke is not much, but they add up.
Any thoughts on making `Find` the default?
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For a verilog file, the variables list parses the old (1995) style verilog module declarations. Verilog 2001 enhanced the syntax and seems to confuse Geany....
1995 syntax:
module (foo, bar, buz);
input foo; // foo port
output bar; // bar port
output buz; // buz port
reg buz; // buz variable
2001 syntax:
module (
input wire foo, // foo port is a wire
output wire bar, // bar port is a wire
output reg buz // buz port is a variable
// note: the "wire" is optional and the ports could have been declared with or without
Geany variables list seems to get confused by the 2001 style. It seems to parse the wire keyword as the variable name if I keep the optional "wire" keyword:

If I omit the "wire" keyword, Geany still gets confused, but in a different way. It seems to parse every other variable and then parse the "input" or "output" keywords as variables in some cases:

If someone who knows the code base can even point me to the module(s) doing the parsing for the variables, I may be able to help create the fix/enhancement for this. I'd be happy to try anyway. I am not familiar with the Geany code base so just getting started seems like an insurmountable task.
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I am looking for some kind of "Console View" like it is available for example in Eclipse.
Currently a terminal / shell opens when executing a script in Geany. In this shell one can see the process streams stdout and stderr and can write to stdin of the new process.
However, I would rather eliminate this new terminal window popping up and changing focus each time I launch a script in Geany.
I think it is better to have the process communication (stdout, stdin, stderr) embedded in a view within Geany like it is done in many IDEs. The different streams could be colored e.g. stderr in red and stdin (input from the user) in green.
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