Hi all,
I've successfully built the current master of geany and geany-plugins from source with the scope plugin. However, local variables are not updated automatically in scope. Actually, all the local variables disappear from the "Locals" tab whenever you step, step into, step out or run until cursor during the debugging process. If you right-click refresh in the tab, the local variables are correctly shown in the tab.
The test program is a simple C code which adds several numbers.
Is this a minor bug in the plugin? I currently tested on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia (based on Ubuntu 16-04) with a 4.10.0-38-generic 64bit kernel, and on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with a 4.4.0-75-generic 64bit kernel.
Thanks in advance!
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Markdown freezes geany for about 10s on my Win10 system when starting up. I've verified that disabling/enabling markdown is what's causing the delay.
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while pressing . key it doesn't get typed. Have to press it twice and . gets typed twice like this ..
I am facing the problem in my windows 10 pro OS.
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I would like to see the Multipaste option for Scintilla implemented I hacked together something that works, but someone just needs to add a new option in Preferences somewhere to set it
add to sciwrappersc:
void sci_set_multi_paste(ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval) { SSM(sci, SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH, 0); }
add to sciwrappersh:
void sci_set_multi_paste (ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval);
What works for now, but requires that you modify something in Preferences at least once in the session to get it to fire is adding, the following to editorc:
sci_set_multi_paste(editor->sci, 1);
To test it out turn on the setting, change a keybinding in Preferences
Then copy some text to the clipboard, select multilines (Alt+Shift Up/DownArrow) and paste!
Now you should see all pasted text onto each line in the editor
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I followed the instructions on the homepage exactly, but my colorscheme hasn't changed when I restart Geany. Are there missing instructions?
"Extract the tarball and copy all of the files in the colorschemes directory to your C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\geany\colorschemes directory. Create this directory if it doesn't already exist."
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I will be really nice to have the feature "go to column" to be able to easily go to a specific column (say 1500) for text files with long lines (usually data exchange files)
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the geany sidebar are arrange by tabas.. but cannot be reordened and
if there more thant 3 tabs the vision are limited of thems due labels of each are too large
and if the sidebar are in vertical/horizontal there a waste of space
my suggestion its to optionally only show 3 firts letters or icon only like does with normal tool bar
i'm particular want to know how to only load 3 firts letters to cheap the space in small screen
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For a more complete translation experience for the users i suggest making this string translatable:
Geany is a small and lightweight Integrated Development Environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE. Another goal was to be as independent as possible from a KDE or GNOME - Geany only requires the GTK3 runtime libraries.
Can be seen in gnome-software.
I think other software use a appdata.xml file with those strings.
Might have something to do with appstream but i dont know the details.
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