I have a new PC which has a 13 inch 1920x1080 display. It comes with a W10 display configuration with a zoom of 150% (recommended) for the texts and applications.
It works well for other applications but geany is now blurred. The icon as well. cf image.
Could you do something ??

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in Geany 1.27 running on UBUNTU 16.04 lts, when on press four or five times F11, Full screen key
OS crash.
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Small reproducing example:
static SOMETHING : usize = 4usize;
Expected behavior: recognize `4usize` as the number.
Actual behavior: the `4usize` doesn't get parsed correctly, and geany only marks `4us` as the number, apparently parsing `ize` as a different, stand-alone identifier.
As this is technically a bug in scintilla, I guess, I already [created a bug there](https://sourceforge.net/p/scintilla/bugs/1919/).
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I am using Geany within Mac, OS Sierra, 10.12.2. The cursor cannot grap the buttons because it should always be higher than the position of the button. This is really annoying. Can I get help? I have already tried to reinstall Geany 1.29. It did not help. Could be an incompatability with Sierra.
Thank you.
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`async` and `await` are Python keywords since Python 3.5, however, they are not highlighted as such in Geany.

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While trying operator overloading in Rust, I see some unexepected behaviour of Geany. For a structure called ComplexNumber, the implementation of Add and Mul require separate implementation blocks. I expected that Add and Mul would be listed together with print and magnitude. If I try operator overloading in a similar way in C++, the member functions get nicely grouped below the name of the structure, even if they are defined in separate blocks. See the picture and the attached Rust example.

use std::ops::{Add,Mul};
pub struct ComplexNumber {
r : f64,
j : f64
impl Add for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn add(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r+rhs.r, j: self.j+rhs.j}
impl Mul for ComplexNumber{
type Output = ComplexNumber;
fn mul(self, rhs: ComplexNumber) -> ComplexNumber {
ComplexNumber {r: self.r*rhs.r-self.j*rhs.j, j: self.r*rhs.j+self.j*rhs.r}
impl ComplexNumber {
fn print(& self) {
print!("{}+{}i ",self.r,self.j);
fn magnitude(& self) -> f64 {
fn main()
let a = ComplexNumber {r: 1.0, j: 0.0};
let b = ComplexNumber {r: 0.0, j: 1.0};
let c = a + b;
let d = a * b;
let e = c + d;
print!("{} ", e.magnitude());
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On my computer:
Windows 8.1 x64. there version do not work but version 1.29.9 work.
(include changing of compatibility)
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When I push the text size up to the limit using <b>control+mouse wheel</b> and then do a word completion, the choice seem to be truncated.
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