This got broken by 907a79263d907fa354d3b4c6570f33047801dd84 back in 2011 as encoding names started to be compared more permissively, leading to "none" matching the "None" encoding.
This shouldn't be too much of a problem as trying the None encoding first should not cause any issue, but fix loading of the option anyway.
This however won't restore settings from existing configuration files that used the previous code, as there is no way to tell whether the user selected the None encoding voluntarily or not.
To reproduce the issue, go to the file preferences, and deactivate the *Use fixed encoding when opening non-Unicode files*. Save the setting, and restart Geany: you'll see the setting is activated again.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Fix loading the default open encoding option
-- File Changes --
M src/keyfile.c (4)
-- Patch Links --
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Hi, i am a newly geany user.
when i open a plain/txt file that is gbk encoding from file-manager, always show measy characters due to geany default using utf-8.
if i change encoding by the menu 'doc - encodeing - lang ...', geany do not auto-reload the file with the changed encoding. kate editor can do that way.
i know geany how to correctly open non-utf8 txt file, but auto reload when change encoding makes user much simpler. i hope geany have the function.
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Hi :smiley:
I've added a keybinding for switching focus to the split window editor (in case it's enabled). This solves #631
I've set F3 as keybinding by default because:
1. Follows the idea of the other "Focus Keybindings" family: F2 -> Switch to Editor, F4 -> Terminal, F7 -> Search bar
2. Doesn't collides with any other default keybindings and has very few possibilities of collision with user-defined keybindings.
3. Even in the case it collides with other user-defined keybinding, it's not a big deal since it just grab the focus on split window only in the case it's being displayed. If user doesn't like it, he/she can always change this.
4. It's a plugin shipped along with geany.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Keybinding for switching focus to splitwindow. Fix #631
-- File Changes --
M plugins/splitwindow.c (16)
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This is an improved version of PR #637.
No more "--" - not needed.
No guard for is_osx_bundle() under Windows - does not belong here.
Split into proper sequential commits.
Fixed the encoding of options and doc_name.
Fixed the OSX bundle executable name.
Created a function to return the reproduced arguments instead of exposing global variables.
Re-tested under Windows and Linux.
There is only one problem left. As described in PR #637, under Windows, mscvrt often breaks unquoted locale strings on 2+ pieces, considering some characters "spaces". So spawn should quote any argv elements containing locale. But that must obviously be a separate PR.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:
-- Commit Summary --
* Add reverse option parser to main
* Add support for geany executable to utils_resource_dir()
* Improve New Window: pass the proper arguments and save configuration
-- File Changes --
M src/libmain.c (121)
M src/main.h (2)
M src/plugins.c (2)
M src/utils.c (111)
M src/utils.h (17)
-- Patch Links --
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Hi all,
I created a share object (so) - libdsso
I am trying, successfully to debug it through gdb:
gcc -g testc -lds
However, when i am trying to debug through geany, i get an error immediately:
program existed with error 127
just to mention - everything else is working just fine (compiling with static library, makefiles etc)
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I'm in Windows 7, running Geany 1.29, which I downloaded from . When I save a file, previous Windows permissions for that file are lost. It seems the permissions afterwards probably always just inherit from the directory the file is in.
This is annoying when using Cygwin and its git. Any file saved by Geany is seen as executable by Cygwin, and then git would commit that change. I know I could `git config core.fileMode false`, but I shouldn't need to. Both Notepad and Notepad++ preserved permissions.
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The following error should be triggered for Python scripts which start with `#!/usr/bin/env python3` as in Python 3 UTF-8 is assumed and encoding preamble is no longer obligatory.
File "*****.py", line 23
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x**' in file on line **, but no encoding declared; see for details
(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue
Reported for version `built on or after Sep 23 2016` or according to dpkg version `1.28-2` on Unutu Yakkety.
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Sometimes we don't want the sidebar on at all the times, thus it'd great if we can have a shortcut which can toggle it.
Ideally, I'd request that items in the menu bar have a shortcut. (line wrapping, going to next tab).
I searched through the keyboard shortcuts but couldn't find it. If they are indeed present, it'd be great to display them in the menu bar itself, it is immensely helpful.
Thank you!
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How to use Geany?
Download and install the following:
and I tried to compile
program untitled;
uses crt;
var i: byte;
writeln ( 'Hello, World!');
In the tab following status messages:
12:59:30: It Geany 1.28.
12:59:30: A new file "without a name".
13:00:00: The file is closed without a name.
13:00:00: A new file "without imeni.pas".
13:00:22: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: C File: \ Users \ Alex \ the Desktop \ 111 \ without imeni.pas saved.
13:00:52: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
13:01:06: The process has failed (Invalid specified folder name)
I tried on three different PCs running Windows 7 x64. Everywhere one and the same.
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I have xterm and also xfce4-terminal
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