Hello, I have a very simple request for Geany which I use heavily.
On my system I frequently view the output of commands the following way:
$ ls -l | nano -
here, nano reads standard input as a new unsaved file, making it easy to quickly access ls command output.
I would love to be able to do the same with geany:
$ ls -l | geany -
In other words, instead of a file, having standard input read as a new unsaved file (which would open either as new window or new tab depending on user's settings, but this is of no concern to me).
Thank you
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I would like to see the Multipaste option for Scintilla implemented I hacked together something that works, but someone just needs to add a new option in Preferences somewhere to set it
add to sciwrappersc:
void sci_set_multi_paste(ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval) { SSM(sci, SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH, 0); }
add to sciwrappersh:
void sci_set_multi_paste (ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval);
What works for now, but requires that you modify something in Preferences at least once in the session to get it to fire is adding, the following to editorc:
sci_set_multi_paste(editor->sci, 1);
To test it out turn on the setting, change a keybinding in Preferences
Then copy some text to the clipboard, select multilines (Alt+Shift Up/DownArrow) and paste!
Now you should see all pasted text onto each line in the editor
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I followed the instructions on the homepage exactly, but my colorscheme hasn't changed when I restart Geany. Are there missing instructions?
"Extract the tarball and copy all of the files in the colorschemes directory to your C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\geany\colorschemes directory. Create this directory if it doesn't already exist."
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I will be really nice to have the feature "go to column" to be able to easily go to a specific column (say 1500) for text files with long lines (usually data exchange files)
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I am really enjoying using Geany and congratulate you on its richness of functions but there is one thing that makes me curse:
I have to close the "find" pop-up dialog each time that I select a new area of text to find and then re-open it by clicking "find" or ctrl-f.
I have been used to using TexPad which re-writes the new find text each time without having to close the pop-up.
Thank you for your great efforts.
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I have a large Java file (4.8MB). If I insert a new <b><big>{</big></b> near the start of this file, the run time for the parser becomes very long (5 minutes or so) - while the parser is running the editor is unusable. Is there some way to prevent this from happening? By parser I mean the code that determines the coloration of the keywords, strings, etc. <b>Thanks!</b>
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Since GTK+ 3.20 the scrollbar does not update or only updates erratically. This affects the editor window and doesn't happen for all files.
I bisected a specific gtk commit and will also open a bug report there.
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One thing that drives me crazy is how when I have files associated with Geany, if I double click on them to open them, it will open the file in another Geany instance on *another* desktop instead of on the *current* desktop. This was one thing I took for granted when I was using gedit.
I have searched and found someone that suggested somehow using a unix socket file that is named based on the current desktop number, but I have not been successful in doing so. In fact, their solution seemed to lead to some loop that would keep spawning new Geany processes, bringing the OS to a near halt.
Can something like this be *baked in* to Geany so that no special setup or configuration is necessary? If there is a good reason not to, is there an official solution to this somewhere (that works)?
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Geany has some bug in full screen on OSX, like if you open the search window you can't close the full screen with the green button or the search window doesn't close anymore... and some crash when you try to save the project (always on full screen)
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