[Geany-Users] Dialog Issues - Multi Monitor Setup Windows 7 - Geany 1.33

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Tue Aug 7 20:38:07 UTC 2018

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 02:59, OwN-3m-All <own3mall at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm running Geany 1.33 on Windows 7, and I've noticed with my dual-monitor setup some interesting behavior in terms of the placement and display of certain dialogs.
> I have a non-standard dual monitor setup in which an HDMI switcher changes between multiple HDMI output devices (my main rig's secondary monitor disconnecting from my rig and becoming the main and only monitor for other devices at times and then being reconnected as the secondary monitor at other times).
> For example, when I go to "Search" and then "Find in Files", this dialog will sometimes not show up at all.  When this happens, I need to use my HDMI switcher to get the secondary monitor "reconnected" to my main rig.  After the secondary monitor is reconnected, the dialog will show up on my main display sometimes or over on the secondary monitor.  So, as long as my secondary monitor is plugged in and active, this dialog always appears somewhere, but if I only have one of my monitors active (the main display), the dialog will not show upuntil I reconnect the secondary monitor.

Geany remembers where you put dialogs so they reappear at the same
place next time.  The position remembered is whatever the system gives
it, including a position on the a second monitor if thats where it was
last.  Geany is not told your second monitor is disconnected, so it
asks for the dialog to be in the same position as last time.
Unfortunately Windows does not restrict dialogs to active monitors, if
its asked to be offscreen it will not appear, and since Geany doesn't
know about the change of configuration it will allways ask for the
previous (now offscreen) position.  On Linux at least some window
managers will ignore offscreen position requests which is more

> I hope this makes sense.  It's quite complicated, but it's been kind of annoying.  My primary display monitor is the on the right, and my secondary display monitor is on the left.  This is kind of non-standard as well.  Usually, it's the opposite for most people.

The same problem occurs for people with other monitor configurations.
I presume you have the desktop spread across both monitors.  Where
your configuration is different is that the origin of the desktop
moves when you disconnect your left monitor, so a position that was on
the right monitor when the desktop was two monitors wide is now
offscreen when the desktop is only one monitor wide so the dialog is
offscreen and won't show.  When you reconnect the left monitor that
position is now visible on the right monitor and the dialog will show.

> Not sure what needs to be tweaked or changed (as I'm sure it's complicated), but it would be nice if the dialogs always show up on the primary display device when the other secondary display devices aren't active or connected.

If you manually position the dialog on the left monitor it should
always show up on whichever monitor is the leftmost on the desktop.

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