[Geany-Users] problems with certain colors in Black Scheme (black.conf)

bendov at gmx.com bendov at xxxxx
Wed Apr 4 02:40:55 UTC 2018

Using geany 1.27 in Mint 18.1

I tried out the black.conf theme to reduce screen brightness 
(https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-themes/tree/master/colorschemes). I 
see the updated "*delt-dark.conf*" theme also has several of the same 
issues I've described below. Which is, in Geany - maybe all editors, 
using dark background schemes, certain highlighting, searching, "go to 
line" colors don't allow good contrast between code text colors & the 
highlight or "found" colors.
Generally, the search or highlight colors work OK except a few. Where in 
a light theme, the problems don't exist.

I'm not sure if these instructions are still 100% correct for >= v1.27, 
or if I'm missing something.

At least 2 problems are the color of the marked line, when use Search > 
In Document, then click a found instance in the message pane (the lower 
In a light theme, I tried several colors that all worked well for this & 
didn't totally obscure certain colored text.
In the black theme, I haven't found any color for this, that doesn't 
obscure / mostly obscure text that's close to the (background; 
hilight??) color, where in light themes, it's not a problem.
I believe black theme's author originally used
marker_line=#ff208c;#80d4b2;false;false  --> where #80d4b2 is a dark, 
minty green.
1) 1st, why does the color - highlighting the entire line show at all, 
when *both* arguments are false?

2) "marker_line" instructions say, the foreground color (1st argument) 
are only used for "show marker margins" - in View menu. Ok. Alluding the 
2nd argument is the highlighted line color.
The SECOND color is the one I can't find any color (in a black 
background theme), nor any "marker_translucency" setting that WON'T 
obscure one or more syntax colors.
If I choose the lightest yellow #fffffe, white syntax is "visible" but 
not readable.
When I click a found instance in the message pane, that's when the 
highlighted line(s) are partly obscured.

But using Search > Mark, the background color is translucent enough to 
read either light or dark text colors.
It seems VERY hard w/ black themes, to find a color for Search > "mark", 
that shows well for *both* light & dark text (in a black BG theme).

Translucency doesn't seem to work for marker_line - using menu - View > 
go to line, or click a found line # in the message pane. That's when any 
color used will obscure some text & make others hard to read.  Isn't the 
idea for dark backgrounds better visibility (& less glare)?

3) "current_line=" highlighting doesn't seem to work well on black 
backgrounds.  Choosing the lightest shade of any color only allows the 
most highly contrasting text to show.  In dark themes, it seems almost 
impossible to choose a color that contrasts w/ light & dark text, 
allowing both to show through.
But in *light* background themes (& other text editors) highlighting the 
current line works well on light AND dark text. Because the highlight 
color (say, bright yellow) in light colored themes is translucent enough 
to let very pale text colors show through.  Why won't it work in Geany 
on black background themes?

In Geany, using black themes, current_line highlight (pale or bold 
colors) doesn't seem to be a highlight; rather a very solid, almost 
foreground color that only highest contrasting text is readable.


> # Editor styles
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #marker_line= Style for a highlighted line (e.g using Goto line or 
> goto symbol). The foreground color (1st argument) only used for 
> "Markers margin" - when enabled (View menu). ONLY the 1st & 2nd 
> arguments are interpreted.
> #marker_search= style for a marked search results (when using "Mark" 
> in Search dialogs). The 2nd argument sets background color for the 
> drawn rectangle.  ONLY 2nd argument is interpreted.
> #Example: marker_search=0x000000;0xb8f4b8;false;false
> #marker_mark= color for a marked line, using Ctrl+M. 1st color is only 
> used when "Markers Margin" is enabled_View menu (then 1st color used 
> for margin symbol).  Only the first and second arguments are interpreted.
> #Example: marker_mark=0x000000;0xb8f4b8;false;false
> #marker_translucency= For marker_line (1st argument) and marker_search 
> (2nd argument). Values > 0, <= 256 accepted. Note for Windows 95, 98 
> and ME: keep this value at 256 to disable translucency, else Geany may 
> crash. Only the first and second arguments are interpreted.
> #Example: marker_translucency=256;256;false;false

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