[Geany-Users] Deprecated code indicator

Ruud van Lent ruud.van.lent at xxxxx
Tue Sep 26 07:33:37 UTC 2017


I am a new user of Geany. Thank you for making and supporting this 
wonderfull piece of software: I love the speed, knowing that I come from 
Eclipse that is not so strange :).

As said: I am 'migrating' my (Joomla CMS PHP code) from Eclipse. I have 
already a working Geany environment with includes for the Joomla 
Libraries (for code completion) and a complete working phing build 
system integrated.

What I am looking for now is to have Geany indicate that a function / 
method, etc. I use is deprecated.

Deprecated methods are marked deprecated in the docblock (with the 
@deprecated tag). What e.g. Eclipse or PHPstorm does is display the used 
function with a 'striketrough'.

I know that Geany is not a complete IDE like Eclipse or PHPStorm, but I 
was wondering if this is currently possible?

Thanks for any help!



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