[Geany-Users] Custom syntax highlightings

Matthew Brush mbrush at xxxxx
Fri Sep 20 20:02:21 UTC 2013

On 13-09-20 10:41 AM, medeoTL wrote:
> Hello people!
> I'm trying to customize a theme and i've some question for you:
> 1)is it possible to set a custom color for elements such \n in a string?
> for example s = "hi pal\n", 'hi pal' have to be black, '\n' have to be green.
> 2)Is it possible to define a color only for user defined identifiers?

These are to totally dependent on the lexer for a given language. I 
believe for example, PHP/HTML lexer can highlight the identifier in "abc 
$foo 123" differently, but there's no universal support for such things.

> 3)what "string_1, string_2, ..., string_4" are for? what's the difference?
> where i can find some documentation about it? same for identifier_x and
> keyword_x

Unsurprisingly, they're for languages that have more than one type of 
string literal, identifier, or keyword, etc. If you look at Perl 
filetype you'll see where this could be best used (although it mostly 
isn't yet).

Matthew Brush

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