[Geany-Users] Creating a version of Geany for Microcontrollers

lmx lmx1 at xxxxx
Thu Nov 7 19:11:32 UTC 2013

On 07/11/13 11:25, major_ghz wrote:
> hello,
> my thinking is :
> tabs in le end space, there are terminal and coding messages.
> for the most information of your plugin.
> tabs on the left for hardware détail of the MCU.
> datasheet on the fist windows tab, there are the code,
> geany can split this windows tabs.
> just my idear,
> my english is poor and not understand all the topic.
> regard,
> major.

I thought including it in the right place of the editor...
Like you can see this is how the netbook is at the moment:

My idea is to include in the first page, a description of all the features.

In the second the pinout diagram, and maybe some more things related.

In the third a description of the peripherals, map regions to configure 
it, etc

In the fourth a description of the registers...not only the ram mapped 
registers, but more in the mcu part like the acumulator (i.e the CC in 
STM8 where you can see the ALU flags), and including their size 
too...because sometimes we make a instruction, and we will need more 
instruction cycles to complete... because the data is greater than what 
the register can hold.
Including the sizes of the registers, will help to make some decisions ;)

The Asm intructions afther,
with a breaf description of what they do...this will be a long time 
consuming part...because the amount of intructions for diferent MCU 
architectures... but will be very good...imagine that you want to make a 
routine, and it's time critical...so analyzing the asm code generated, 
you see that the asm generated by the C compiler is not good enough...so 
you will decide to make it directly in assembler...you need  information 
for that...how mutch cycles per intruction, and obviously..a description 
of what exactly the instruction do... ;)

and maybe something else...

I saw the fyletypes.asm you have showed ;)
I like it.
Is there more files like that for another MCU arch's?maybe can be used 
this approach for a lot of thins...turning introducing data for MCU's a 
task that any one can do, without problems...and this can help to 
improve the existent info at that time... ;)

thanks for the feedback :)

ps: English is not my mother thong too, I understand you ;)


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