[Geany-Users] Highlighting the lexical scope relative to the cursor position
James Brierley
jmb8710 at xxxxx
Thu Dec 19 23:42:04 UTC 2013
Hello everyone,
I might just be being dense, but I can’t seem to find any hard info
about this, so I’ll just throw it out there.
Suppose I’m writing a function such as the following C/Java-ish
pseudocode (the spurious symbols will be explained in due course):
void some_function(int foo, double spam)
int pointless_var = 0xD00D; *[1]*
if (some_condition) {
do_something(); *[2]*
else {
do_something_else(); *[3]*
Now, what would be useful is, to give some concrete examples, when the
cursor is at position *[1]*, everything between some_function’s braces
would be highlighted in some way, say with a slightly off-white
background; at position *[2]* everything between the if statement’s
braces would be highlighted, and at *[3]* — you guessed it — everything
within the else block would be highlighted. In other words, the extent
of the scope of declarations would always be highlighted.
Would it be possible in any way to extend the brace matching
capabilities of Geany to make anything like this possible? Of course, in
some languages scope is more complicated than “everything between a {
and a }” but even something this simple and stupid would be useful in a
lot of cases.
I should point out that this was prompted by me writing quite a lot of
Lisp, and occasionally getting ‘Lost In Silly Parentheses’, but I
presented a C-esque example for the benefit of anyone who would rather
eat their own toenails than program in Lisp.
Anyway, just wondering if the various components of Geany can be
persuaded to make something like this possible, whether that means me
writing a patch or something else.
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