[Geany] Tags and filedefs for front-end web development

Thanh Tran trongthanh at xxxxx
Wed May 16 06:44:18 UTC 2012

Dear front end developers out there,

I just want to share with you that I have created a set of global tags & 
filedefs files to enhance syntax coloring & code assistance for 
front-end web languages including HTML/CSS/JS.
I have put those files on github so I can easily keep track of changes 
and fix issues: https://github.com/trongthanh/geany-for-front-end-dev
There's some write-up at the project's page as well.

I'm just a new user of Geany but I really like it. I really want to 
contribute to enhance Geany's support for JavaScript & front-end stuff 
but I have too little knowledge of C/C++ to dig into the source code. If 
anything I can help, please let me know. I'll continue to build up the 
tags files when I have free time.


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