[Geany] Line breaking vs Reflow lines behavior

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Sun Mar 18 09:54:18 UTC 2012

> Hi guys.

Hi Eugene,

> First of all, I must tell that it was me who proposed a patch to
> implement split/join lines commands in Geany which eventually
> became "Reflow paragraph".
> Second point, even I don't remember why I didn't reuse the code
> implementing line breaking option (which was already written then).
> Maybe, as I already used SCI_JOINLINES, I considered SCI_SPLITLINES
> first and it did the job rather well (but not perfectly, as I
> understood after quite some time).
> Third point, there are already some bug reports on the same topic
> (just search the bug tracker for "reflow"):

Damn, "reflow" :)

> 1.https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3293009&group_id=153444&atid=787791
>  My summary: SCI_SPLITLINES breaks lines on style boundary.  I think,
>  this behaviour is unneeded and sometimes just wrong for "reflow"
> 2.https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2982136&group_id=153444&atid=787791
>  An older bug report on the same topic as (1)
> 3.http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2871809&group_id=153444&atid=787791
>  Line is broken too early (just what Toni talks about).  I posted a
>  long comment to this bug report (my nick on SourceForge is statc),
>  particularly explaining why Scintilla does not work "properly".

Explanation makes sense, line end marker would account for some of the
"pessimism" about fitting text on the line, and as I said I think
there may be an off by one difference too.

> 4.http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2923338&group_id=153444&atid=787791
>  Seems to be a duplicate of (3)
> Fourth point, for some time I was going to raise a topic about
> reimplementing "Reflow paragraph" myself.  Two things stopped
> me from doing it: (1) an absence of free time; (2) the fact that I
> propose other little patches to Geany from time to time and I don't
> want to bother Geany developers / maintainers too much.

Don't worry about the maintainers :) if you get time feel free to do it.

> Some time ago I posted a bug report to Scintilla [1].  They don't want
> to refine SCI_SPLITLINES, so my proposal is to rewrite "Reflow
> paragraph" reusing the code which implements line breaking.  I can do
> it myself, but not now.
> Sorry for a long message.  I'm now waiting for a reply on my proposal.
> [1]:<https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3475314&group_id=2439&atid=102439>

The reply was "No", but with a reasonable reason, sort of given Neil's
performance focus.


> --
> Best regards,
> Eugene.
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