[Geany] Package and plugin management

Sayth Renshaw flebber.crue at xxxxx
Mon Jan 9 23:56:56 UTC 2012

After noticing a recent discussion regarding packaging themes I got
thinking(just a little, didn't hurt...much) and wondered if this could be
managed better. Not just themes but plugins as a whole.

The reason I raise this I have noticed recently several projects utilising
'independent' plugin management. Utilising github or rubygems to allow
authors and users to create and share plugins and manage and track issues

For example I have found.

Vim uses vundle: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle
Once installed a user simply updates the vimrc with the github address.

Bundle 'git://somegit address.hit'

Then :BundleInstall

All plugin functionailty is then available to the user.
Similarly I found two other projects adopting a similar approach, redcar
changed its entire plugin system for redcar 0.12 so that users now type *gem
install redcar-plugin_name *to have the functionailty available. Another
project Sublime Text has a function builtin(amongst) several if you open it
I think ALT+P or something and select the package function it searches
github for plugins to install(not real sure exactly how this happens).

so I was just bringing this up because I thought the person previously who
packaged themes for fedora has done a good job but his/her effort needs to
be replicated for each platform/distribution, if utilising github we could
do it once for every platform and distribution.

Just a thought, it might invite/create more plugins being built for geany
and reduce the workload of the core developers who can remove limited use
functionailty to plugins and care more about the core.

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