[Geany] Request for feedback: Geanyuniq

Emil Brink emil at xxxxx
Mon Feb 20 09:57:28 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de> wrote:
> Am 20.02.2012 09:49, schrieb Emil Brink:
>> Should it
>> run only over the selection, if one is present?
> Yes.
> selection given: Only act on selection non selection given: whole document.

Right. That does make sense, but there a few intricacies involved that
made me postpone it a bit:

1. Deleting lines in the middle of the selection will make it a bit
less well-defined where the selection ends, basically.
2. The selection might both start in the middle of a line, and in the
middle of a line, which makes it a bit weird for a strict
line-oriented operation like this.

Still, I'll try to implement something that makes sense for
selections, too. Thanks.



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