[Geany] filetype configuration for embedded perl-code

Johannes Deutsch j_deutsch at xxxxx
Fri Feb 10 14:10:28 UTC 2012

Dear mailing-list,

i work a lot with perl's Text::Template module to embed perl-code in
various filetypes. In the template-file a perl fragment is listed
between distinct delimiters, e.g. '[@@' that signals the beginning perl
code and '@@]' that signals the end of perl code.

For instance, I assume that i use the module with LaTeX files. As geany
support syntax highlighting for both perl-code as well as latex-code my
question is whether it's possible to instruct geany to highlight the
latex code of the template and the perl-fragments within the delimiters.

To make things more clear, a short example file:



\psset{ury=1cm, urx=2cm, Dy=0.6 ,Dx=2, xAxisLabel=$t$/s, yAxisLabel=$y


# perl fragment that syntax has to be highlighted according to
# filetypes.perl

listplot(data('integrate(sub { sin($_[0]) }, 0, $x, 1e-5,



Maybe somebody of you experts can help me to achieve this!? And please
be gentle with me since i haven't gather any experience customizing
geany :)

With best regards and thanks for your effort

Johannes Deutsch

Web: http://www.jd-weblog.de

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