[Geany] Windows VTE - Re: geany cygwin build?
Liviu Andronic
landronimirc at xxxxx
Wed Oct 6 20:54:03 UTC 2010
Hello Nick and Enrico
Thanks a lot for the pointers. It would be indeed great if the VTE
devels tidied up the bugzilla patch and merged it mainstream, but at
this point it's probably wishful thinking.
In the end I abandoned the Cygwin approach (in part because it feels
like configuring/using a broken Linux box inside Windows) and went for
virtualization. To my surprise it works very smoothly. I installed the
free to use VMware Player on my Windows 7, and inside the Virtual
Machine I installed Xubuntu Lucid. Now I have fully-functional Linux
box working inside a Windows session, which is pretty cool. It takes
some time re-installing and re-configuring the system, but hey it's
free. And the Xubuntu VM performance is more than acceptable.
2010/10/2 Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>:
> On Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:03:59 +0100, Nick wrote:
>>On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 23:31:37 +0300
>>Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Is anyone aware of a Cygwin build for Geany? I've seen this issue
>>> pop-up once on the ml this year, without a clear outcome. The reason
> I compiled Geany in Cygwin once.
> According to the modification time of
> http://uvena.de/tmp/cygwin_xfce.png, this was in January 2007 :). I
> don't have the build environment anymore nor any idea how I did this.
> And also no idea whether Geany would still compile in Cygwin as the
> code changed a lot since early 2007. But it's probably worth a try if
> you want :).
>>> I would need a Cygwin build is that I would like to use Geany for R
>>> programming, that is make use of its embedded vte terminal. Perhaps
>>> there is another way to get a terminal in the Windows build of Geany?
>>> Other ideas?
> Nope, sorry.
>>I haven't heard of anyone getting VTE working with Geany on Windows.
>>I don't know about Windows Cygwin builds either, we use MinGW.
>>It may be possible to build VTE on Windows, but Geany would probably
>>require some small changes to work with it.
> There is a bug report about porting VTE to Windows:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=369310
> Unfortunately, there wasn't much process lately.
> Regards,
> Enrico
> --
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