[Geany] Making HTML from plain text; joining lines

Vlastimil Ott linux at xxxxx
Tue Mar 31 05:59:21 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 31 March 2009 05:44:16 John Gabriele wrote:


thank you for your ideas.

> Not exactly what you seem to be asking for, but, could you leave it as
> plain text and then have a txt --> html processor do it for you?

No, don't think so.

> If so, you might have a look at
> [pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/). Write your doc in its
> extended Markdown format, then have pandoc crunch it into html for

Yes, markdown or txt2tags are great tools but: I don't write the text. Usually 
it's a result of OOo Writer export, some HTML [WYSIWYG] editor etc. I'm editor 
of Czech Linux magazine LinuxEXPRES.cz. The authors send me their articles in 
HTML/ODT/plain text/mark down/what ever  I can work with and I usually convert 
it to HTML; every time some changes are needed. 


Vlastimil Ott

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