[Geany] Geany crashes in Windows

Bob Snyder bob.snyder at xxxxx
Tue Oct 30 03:29:20 UTC 2007

I've been using Geany for several months on my home Linux box and like 
it so much that I wanted to use it at work - under Windows. But it 
crashes when opening files. It seems like this happens when the desired 
file is more than two or three levels below the root. Opening a file at 
root or one level down seems to be okay.

I have seen this problem for the last several releases of Geany - since 
0.10. Also for each version, I have been using the version of GTK+ that 
comes with the Geany "Full Installer" package, but recently tried it 
with a version from another source with the same results.

I'm running WinXP, I think it's SP2, with 1GB RAM. I've attached the 
drwatson log and user.dmp files created when it crashes.


Bob Snyder

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