[Geany] A few questions/requests

Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven at xxxxx
Wed May 16 13:01:17 UTC 2007

On 05/14/2007 12:45:29 PM, Nick Treleaven wrote:
> On 05/12/2007 10:18:43 PM, Jean-Philippe wrote:
>> - When editing php files and constructions as if or for with advanced
>> indent mode activated, the auto indentation works well except when
>> typing the } character.
>> For C files, the indent decreases automatically, so it matches the
>> opening brace indentation level. This behavior is not the same for  
>> PHP
>> files as the indentation level does not decreases. Is it possible to
>> "fix" this ?
> It's a known bug. I had a look at this and it seemed to be a problem  
> with the Scintilla lexer (we use the style information to determine  
> if there's a valid opening brace). I'll ask about it on the Scintilla  
> ML soon.
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1689305&group_id=153444&atid=787791
I've added a workaround to SVN for the PHP and TCL de-indenting. It's  
not quite as smart as the other C-like filetypes, but it should work  
for de-indenting by one level (which is nearly always what is wanted).


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